  • BSCI验厂审核提交改善计划



You can go to the “Remediation plan” on the orange bar. Click the “Remediation plan”, and then click “Add Plan”, fill the reason for Remediation Plan, Type of Remediation Plan, Identified Needs, Target Date and Action planned accordingly. Of course, you can upload any document in need here. Click the button of “SAVE” and “SUBMIT” when all actions are done. If you have several corrective action plans against different findings needed to be saved and submitted, please duplicate the actions for several times.


生成 BSCI 报告

Generate PDF report

如果您需要 PDF 格式的报告,请您在进入报告界面之后点击“Summary  Audit  Report”,你将会在右边看到“Generate PDF”按钮。点击该按钮后,将会生成一份 PDF 报告。

If you need the report in PDF, please click the button “Summary Audit report” after you enter the report page,, then you will see the button “Generate PDF” on top right corner. Please click this button, and then report in PDF will be generated.


关于 ***

*** 是的检验、鉴定、测试和认证机构,是公认的质量和诚信的基准。*** 集团在世界各地共有 75,000 多名员

工,分布在 1,500 多个分支机构和实验室,构成了性的服务网络。

About ***

*** is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. *** is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 75,000 employees, *** operates a network of over 1,500 offices and laboratories around the world.


Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises


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